A lot of women are living at a hectic pace these days. Many work full time. They take their kids to day care and after-school activities. And a lot of women have the additional responsibility of being the household "car care manager." While car care typically has been considered "men's work," research by the Car Care Council shows that women represent 60 percent of automotive service customers in North America , and women spend more than $300 billion annually on vehicle maintenance, repairs and used vehicles, according to American Woman Road and Travel (AWRT).
During April, which is Car Care Month, GM Goodwrench is reminding women of the importance of vehicle inspections and regular maintenance to help keep them and their families safe on the road.
The fact is, women are busier than ever. According to the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics:
- In 2002, nearly four in every five mothers of school-aged children were in the paid workforce.
- In 2003, there were 3.7 million female multiple jobholders.
- The number of working women has grown from 18.4 million in 1950 to nearly 65 million in 2003.
In addition, the American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), reports that 63 percent of women work 40 or more hours per week.
Maintenance inspections can point out items needing service that can help a vehicle run better, last longer, retain its value and provide optimal safety and security.
Here are safety and maintenance tips that will help your vehicle run at its best heading into the spring and summer travel seasons.
Tire Tips
Blowouts: If your tire sustains a blowout while you are driving, do not slam on your brakes. Doing so can cause the vehicle to swerve in the direction of the blowout. Instead, gently apply the brakes to regain control and slowly guide the vehicle to a safe area away from the road.
Air pressure: To help avoid under-inflation, the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) recommends checking your tires' air pressure at least once a month and before every long trip. Tires must be checked when they are cold - that is, before they have been run no more than one mile (1.6 km). Under-inflation is the leading cause of tire failures/blowouts. Tires lose air through a process called permeation. Changes in outdoor temperature can affect the rate at which a tire loses air. Typically, a tire loses one pound to two pounds of pressure per month, and even more in warm weather.
Never "bleed" or reduce air pressure when tires are hot. It is normal for pressures to build up as a result of driving.
Tread wear/When to buy a new tire: Any mechanic should be able to use a tool indicator and visual inspection to let you know if your tires are worn
Did You Know?
According to the RMA, every time the outside temperature drops 10 degrees Fahrenheit, the air pressure in your tires goes down one pound to two pounds per square inch.
In addition to tires, these key items need to be inspected:
Batteries: A weak battery can leave you stranded - possibly at the worst time and place.
Brakes: An expert inspection can determine whether your brakes are functioning properly with full braking capability.
Windshield wipers: Old or worn windshield wipers can lead to poor visibility in adverse weather conditions.
Headlamps: Properly aimed headlamps are a must for optimizing your visibility - both your seeing and your being seen.
Oil: Change your oil and filter at intervals recommended in your owner's manual to minimize engine wear and reduce the possibility of internal damage.
Fluid levels: Improper fluid levels - including coolant, oil, power steering, transmission, brake fluid and even washer solvent - can negatively affect vehicle durability, performance and safety.
Belts and hoses: A broken belt or ruptured hose can cause costly engine damage and travel delays.